The Price Of Loyalty: Things Evolvice Gmbh Has Copied From Apple

There is a myth that acquiring the best professionals, skill-wise will create the best results for the project. What many forget is that people run projects. IT specialists work with technology, which makes exciting deformation in the psyche, making them more likely to acquire semi-machine-like traits on the surface. However, on a deeper level, these traits are much more connected with miscommunication. One can have the best skill set, effort, and work ethic and fail the project miserably.

An introductory look into the human psyche gives us the understanding that while money provides us with essential stability in life, it doesn’t give us much else. People have needs, and a good company offers more than just stable money flowing into one’s pocket.

To understand how to motivate your company employees, one needs to understand what needs people can have. Tony Robbins, probably the best motivational speaker in the world, divided human necessities into six categories:

1) Certainty

2) Uncertainty/Variety

3) Significance

4) Love/Connection

5) Growth

6) Contribution

Looking at these, you think, how does that help me in any form or manner? Be patient with me because this can transform your company just as Tony Robbins transforms people’s lives.

The difference between companies that succeed and those that fail is how they treat people. Happy, loyal people work better. A company that fulfills all the needs of a person is a treasure. So how does one do that?

  1. People need to be sure about a bunch of stuff. Money is one of them. They also need to ensure they will not be fired or cut tomorrow.
  1. Routine kills everything. While any job has its fair share of ways, nobody will be excited about Monday mornings if it is all you can give. Do you have new exciting technologies and projects for the team? Is your company exploring new ideas and markets?
  1. Nobody likes to feel like a piece of machine, just another tool replaced at any moment. Can you make people feel like their effort, skills, and amount of overtime on the project matters for the company and that there is a measurable value to it?
  1. What does your HR do? Do they mediate your employees’ conflicts? Do your Leads work as leaders or as bosses?
  1. Can your company, in all honesty, say that its employees become better due to working in the company? Do they learn new stuff and improve as professionals, or do they need some time off to get back into college to repair the damage your company has done?
  1. People need to give back. That is never an option; it is a need. Can your employees make fundamental changes to the company that will improve its policies and work?

It all starts with the leads and project managers. What makes a good leader and manager is not a pure skill but the standards they have. To be a leader is to have the highest standards in the group. A boss manages, and a leader inspires. Apple succeeded because they all decided to have higher standards than anybody else. They created a level of quality nobody had before. That is why they had a product that blew up.

Evolvice Team
Evolvice Team

How does one feel when making something extraordinary – they feel special? Apple decided to go with something new, so they had plenty of variety in what they did. Apple has offices nobody wants to leave and spends a ton on the HR department and retention specialists. I am saying that at Apple, people feel like they have stable, exciting work where they do something that matters, where they count and can grow and give back. When a company fulfills all six needs, employees become raging fans of the company. Raging fans will protect, shield and work for the company’s success.

How does Evolvice strive to recreate this Raging Fan team – by creating standards higher than our customer expects? We suggest a new technology and insist on it being the best for the project.

There is a reason: we are looking for your project to succeed and not fail on some old junk everybody knows is outdated and dull. We have learning sessions with our employees to improve their growth rate and connection to the project.

Evolvice GmbH lets the employees assume more responsibilities and trust them to deliver a standard that exceeds our expectations. We are not ashamed to copy and learn from other companies.

What we want to maintain is a company for which every coming project is something to have the highest passion. So please, do contact us only when you value the project’s success over stereotypes about what the IT team is supposed to be. Evolvice knows all of that!