Is It Safe to Do Business in Ukraine? The Resilience of Ukrainian IT Sector – 2024

Is It Safe to Do Business in Ukraine? The Resilience of Ukrainian IT Sector – 2024 

Even though Russian military actions in Ukraine are still ongoing, the Ukrainian IT industry is doing well, delivering top-notch products to Western clients on time. Despite the difficult conditions, most tech experts have managed to stay focused on their work, developing innovative solutions and providing excellent customer service. Check it yourself by reading our recent blog article

The resilience of the Ukrainian IT sector is a testament to the commitment of its talented professionals. They ensure that businesses in Ukraine remain competitive in a globalized world economy. The dedication and hard work have enabled the country’s technology sector to continue advancing in many areas, from cybersecurity and data analytics to AI.

How do they manage to keep up with work during regular blackouts and while being under constant attacks? Read the answer below.

How Does Evolvice Support its Employees in Ukraine to Ensure Top Performance?

When the Russian war broke out in Ukraine, many IT companies had to find ways to support their employees and ensure top performance. To provide relief for their staff, we companies offered flexible working hours and remote work options that enabled employees to work from home while still staying connected with the team.

In addition to the measures mentioned above, we offered financial aid for relocation to alleviate some of the pressures caused by the war. Our employees get help to move to the safer parts of Ukraine or abroad if allowed by government regulations.

Within the country, most staff members go to Uzhgorod, where one of our offices is located. This city is a perfect place for working and living under such circumstances. In other sections of the article, we will explain why.

And what about the rest of our team? We adopted other strategies to ensure top performance despite the challenging times. We have set up generators as backups to keep our systems running without interruptions. On top of that, we bought power banks to store energy and use it when needed instead of relying on a regular electricity supply.

But it’s not all. Evolvice also replaced existing equipment with versions that last longer on battery, so they don’t lose power during blackouts. Besides, the company’s management sends regular emails with helpful instructions, like how to extend the working time of a laptop.

How Did Ukrainian Developers Beat the Invasion?

The hard work of our colleagues in Ukraine amidst the troubled environment serves as an inspiring example for every team member. In addition to their work in the IT sector, many tech professionals also actively volunteer and provide support for those affected by the war. Their help is invaluable and gives hope in times of darkness.

Here is what one of Evolvice’s engineers says about his adaptation to the current situation:

“Generally, I have an 8-hour working day but sometimes it might be limited to 4-5 hours if there is a sudden air raid alarm or rocket shelling. In this case, I take overtime the next day or whenever possible to make up for it.

What helps me meet deadlines is self-organization, which saves tons of time. No matter what task I am dealing with—I think ahead and plan it carefully. Hence, the deadlines no longer lean on me, they just smoothly fit into my schedule.

When it comes to communication with my colleagues, we discuss something and help each other every day. For example, there are daily meetings in MS Teams where we have a brief overview of what has been done and is yet on our list. Other regular meetings, like sprint reviews, take place once in two weeks.

I would say that the biggest challenge I face is to remain focused. External distractions, such as air raid sirens and related news may draw my attention any minute and I cannot ignore them. The trick is to fit these unknowns into the daily routine correctly.

To me the best evidence of doing that correctly is receiving positive customer feedback about the product and features we delivered—I feel that my efforts and hard work have paid off.

I also won’t deny that I feel stressed, however, there are people going through much more severe ordeals than me, so feeling stressed out is nothing compared to that.

It is a part and parcel of every single day, so we all just deal with it.

Theodore Roosevelt once said: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”. I couldn’t have said it better.”

Eugene Shmal

QA Automation Engineer

Reasons to Use Outsourcing in Ukraine Despite The War

Now you must realize how strong the Ukrainian IT sector is and better understand the state of the Ukrainian IT industry. And here are some other reasons to choose developers in Ukraine:

Ability to Adapt to Change and Uncertainty

Outsourcing companies in Ukraine are resilient, adapting quickly to changes in the political environment and uncertain situations. They have experience managing projects during times of crisis and uncertainty, enabling them to remain on track regardless of political developments. This gives you peace of mind knowing that your project is safe no matter what else is happening in the region.


Professionals from Ukrainian outsourcing companies take pride in their work and ensure that every project is completed with high quality and accuracy. They understand the importance of meeting deadlines, completing tasks efficiently, and always being accountable for their work – introductory rates when working with an outsourcing partner.

Quality Services

Ukrainian companies provide high-quality services that meet or exceed industry standards despite lower labor costs. Outsourcing to Ukraine allows you to get cost-effective services while maintaining good performance. Additionally, many Ukrainian firms specialize in specific services, making finding an experienced and knowledgeable partner easy.

Cost Savings

Finally, software Outsourcing to Ukraine can help you save money in the long run. By outsourcing certain tasks or projects to Ukraine, you can lower your operational costs and allocate resources more effectively. This can increase efficiency and productivity, resulting in improved margins and greater profits for your business. As such, Ukrainian outsourcing companies are a great choice for businesses looking to cut costs without compromising on the quality of service.

Reasons to Use Outsourcing in Ukraine Despite The War

Is Uzhgorod Safe for Business?

Apart from Kyiv, one of the Evolvice offices is based in Uzhgorod. Why is Uzhgorod a perfect location for software business? The answer is due to its farness from the combat zones. Uzhgorod is located in a mountainous area, just near the EU border.

What’s most important is that the Zakarpattia region, with the administrative center in Uzhgorod, is entirely independent of the rest of Ukraine in terms of electricity. It has power stations that produce electricity in the area. Of course, blackouts also take place in this area, but they are quite rare. Moreover, they occur according to the schedule, so it’s easier for our team to plan their working day.

The city is relatively untouched by the conflict and well-connected by rail and road transport links, allowing Evolvice employees to easily reach customers outside of Ukraine. Today, the Ukrainian government allows everybody to leave the country for a 7-day business trip if certain requirements are met.

Many talented developers in the area have built up a wealth of experience during the war. With its affordability, accessibility, and outstanding talent pool, it is easy to see why we are choosing Uzhgorod as our base of operations.

Final Thoughts

Ukrainian IT professionals maintain high industry standards despite the ongoing war. They are a shining light of hope during these difficult times. At Evolvice, we are proud of the accomplishments of our developers and thank them for all they do to keep Ukraine at the forefront of digital innovation. Hopefully, their commitment will inspire you!